
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

classic and kit car show at Knebworth this weekend, who's up for it??? Also are we only really get a couple of cars at Donington?!?!?!?!?!

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The criteria for Donnington is pretty strict, original and un-modified, don't think there are too many like that.

Thought that was just for the stand, in the club area you can usually take what you want, If the whole event is limited to original and un-modified then it'll be a small and un-profitable show for one year only.....

every car is inportant to  the club. the more cars and members the better. we need to get the enthusiasm back. we are plannig trophys for next year. we NEED cars at shows and input/help. a club is only as good as its members and i know we have them.     the criteria is for one car as a center pice in mane hall

well said Danny. More the merrier. Raise duttons for the right reasons. No entry restrictions for club stand only the main hall car. I spoke to Ian the event organiser and he's put together simple piece to go with the car. Come on all let's get the DOC on the map.


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