another one bites the dust? lime green Dutton appears for sale in france 7500e approx. £5000
hey ho
Does it have unusual rear lights and a home made Dutton badge on the bonnet by any chance?
I disagree, I rather like the idea of our neighbours being jealous of our motoring heritage to the point where they are willing to pay good money, very good money, for a piece of the action. It expands the market which will push up the value of all of our cars, particularly rare ones like yours. It also means that we may soon have another foreign member that we can go and visit, if ever our Duttons are reliable enough to make the journey. I think it is a good thing.
James, what do you mean "if our Duttons are reliable enough to make the jouney" of course they will, just carry a few essential spares, like engine, gearbox back axle, and a current recovery membership :)
The value of Duttons do seem to be on the rise, but is it because of the ford parts, or because of the fun element, as far as kit cars go, they are still cheap, when you think what people will spend on kit cars in general, and as our cars look tidier and better presented, then people might think Duttons might not be that bad,
The French market, is strange though, people who want a car find lotus 7 clones expensive due to the rules they have to follow, but i thought the same rules applied across the EU, hense why some rework Duttons to look like a lotus 7 , but i wonder do the buyers know the difference from a westfield to a dutton? is it way to make a french buyer think they are getting a 7 clone? worth a lot more, it does make you think, i think the pheaton front end with its low wide looks far better than a 7 front end, we can hope that they will see the error of their ways.
dont think its been seen for awhile and it was up for sale i believe,
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