hello all. been having a look at fitting seats in sierra today. so i have a few questions on how other peeps have done it.
their are 2 steel pads attached to the chassis . do the seat fixings have to hit both of these pads...?
what about the other 2 fixings...?
has anyone welded box section to the chassis to help with the fitting of seats.
any advice greatly apreciated thankyou.
I welded plates to the bottom of my seats to reach the chassis plates, opened the holes up a bit to get a decent bolt through. The main thing is the seat belt mounts, I used the roll bar fixing at the base and the roll bar at shoulder height. I rebuilt my roll cage for safety, probably the only 2 Duttons with proper roll bar material and fixings, :-))
thanks steve. yes the seat belt mounts on mine are the same as yours. what about where the seat belt connects to the holder. does the holder have to go into a steel pad. or can i use a big washer. just not sure on all this stuff...
Mine are on a square plate about 100mm square, think it's glassed in so maybe original.
o didnt know you could do that. makes things easier cheers
The best way would be to fit them to the chassis, I had trouble finding seat belts long enough to reach around those blasted seats and down to the floor. I wanted inertia reel belts for tidiness. The longest I could get were about 3 metres long. Look for long stalks, it helps.
dam i never thought about the belts reaching around the seat. ill have to check that. more to this than you think at first
I cocked up first time. So then placed seats and tested before fixing it all down. It was a bit of one step forward, many steps back. But I do have rather large seats.
ye im finding that myself. thanks for the info though you probably have saved me lifting the seats in and out about a dozen times :-). not light or easy to move leather seats.
i was thinking about bolting the seats straight through the floor and and useing flat bar to run from one fixing to the other like a massive brace. would that be safe and pass mot ...?
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