
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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The problem with the mondeo gearbox is ifs a FWD box and i need a RWD box.

Why does the diff angle matter? Is it just a question of UJ angles or something more subtle?

The diff angle........basically the input angle should mirror the output angle. also the overall angle should be as small as possible.
it reduces wear and vibration and helps reduce transmission losses.

You must have some angle on the UJ's or they'll wear out in no time.

GKN say they stake joints can run upto 12deg @ 10000rev/min (you can run larger angles but you have to slow them down)

Example - If the diff flange is sqaure and the engine/gearbox is 6deg nose up then the prop angle wants to be 3deg

Yeah i knew there should be some angle perhaps i should have said the same or similar small angle. there is always some angle caused by the axle movement.
The trouble with my axle and the diff looking up is that amy movement of the axle makes it worse by increasing the angle beyond what is good.
Which is why it was corrected out when i rebuilt it last year.

I knew that UJ's can cause vibration when they are at an angle and that the scale of the problem gets much bigger as the UJ angle increases.

I hadn't heard about UJ's needing to have at least a small angle though. Do you understand the mechanism by which they wear out if the angle is too small because it seems a surprising result to me? I'm not disputing it, I just want to understand it.

I think its because a slight angle causes the bearings to rotate and thus even out the wear/ loads how ever its unlikely to be an issue on a prop for a car (unless you suspension is very hard)

didn't  the transit van use MT75? box?  if so van breakers might be your best bet , 

T9 and MT75 only similar inso far as they have 5 forward gears and were originally fitted to Fords :-)

Zetec will fit on 2000e with the right bellhousing but a 2.0l Zetec will be close to the torque limit, probably better to flog the 2000e box and get a T9. 

Good job mines the 1800 ;-)


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