
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

well i am back and now looking for a dutton phaeton again

there was a blue one on ebay from north wales no one bidded on it till the last min and i lost it boo hoo maybe it was foul play but who knows

another one in scotland with a v6 in it maybe i will win that one but got seized clutch

but im defo going to find snother one as missed the fun i had in my old one

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hi allen . dont think you will be waiting long. its that time of year where eveyone has had their fun. and is selling their duttons lots on e bay. of late . good luck 

yea i noticed been looking for about a year with only the odd one coming up now there is a few.

i am interested in anotherone on ebay in scotland with a essex v6 in but been stood clutch has seized so dont no if it is the cable or clutch its self as he says engine running sweet as a nut

yup i have seen that one. looks good. not shure about the blue one you missed. hes on our face book site. and was very desperate to get rid of it and hes very young....could have had a lucky escape their 

whats the facebook

and yea the black one hovering around the 900 mark with a buy it now of 1500 and cost me about 300 to get it picked up and delivered to me

Dutton owners kit cars. on facebook. i like the running boards on the side :-)

yea so do i bit differnt make it look older

ok i asked to join

They also stop grit being thrown-up in your face from the front wheels.

I see that the auction is now finished on ebay, does that mean that it is yours? I was looking at the pictures again and it may be that the running boards are there to hide the exhausts. I also wonder whether the rear wheel arches have been extended.

On mine, which is a Malaga not a Phaeton, the steering column goes through the fan belt, whereas yours looks to be below it. Also your master cylinder looks a lot lower than mine - mine is almost perfectly positioned to block access to the spark plug for cylinder 3 (if I've got the numbering correct). 

We are going to need to know all of the details, photos and everything!

yes its mine should have it fri or sat then i will be taking a lot of pics to put op on here

i was going to wait and see what it dose then the misses said if u want it just hit the buy it now  dont have to tell me twice

well the car is getting picked up tomorrow about mid day so should be here about tea time depending on traffic as it will be a friday

nice exiting time :-)

Should be an exciting time. V6 will be tasty


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