
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

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Comment by Dave Taylor on March 17, 2011 at 21:00

Could be right there Daryl.


Comment by Dave Taylor on March 17, 2011 at 17:11
Found the beggar, at the back of the shed under every other car part in there, so much for our James saying they're all together. Or was it really the borrowers there where 4 corks, 4 thimbles and assorted cocktail sticks fashioned into knives and forks all laid out around the vent... Phew! there a very strong smell of solvent in the shed, perhaps I just imagined all that!!!
Comment by Dave Taylor on March 15, 2011 at 14:40

Thanks Guy's I am beginning to think my wife is related to these Borrower's has she find's things straight away, I tried to move her bed into the shed, but that just got me cold meals for a month.

As for the son's tool box at ours that either the floor or under the garden table rusting. Hince my problem with the air vent, when I rang him last night, he said it's in the box with the other one. Dah!!!

Comment by Dave Taylor on March 14, 2011 at 20:05
It's geting there, would have finished it tonight if the other air vent hadn't been moved by one of the Barrower's in my shed. Hope Marian doen't notice the glue on the rug Oop's

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