
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Still just poodling around testing the head etc. Today I fixed my overdrive, found the wires were just snapping and turning to dust, so thats that wiped off the slop chit. Plus on the hottest day of the year I fitted my new side screens and stretched my hood while it was nice and supple, pretty pleased with it, I haven't got the wires or even the holders welded to the roll bar so thinking of a spar, like they tension sails with, simply slotted across and tensioned to hold the shape. I also bought a cheap breathable water proof cover off the e bay for a tenner, didn't expect much, and thats exactly what I got, but, it works, so I have to use it. Plus I had to fix the Sierra ( that will be on my headstone)

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Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on May 22, 2016 at 20:48

@ steve funny and true :-)))))

Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on May 22, 2016 at 20:47

jim id love to thanks....any spare room at you house :-)))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on May 22, 2016 at 20:45

aye up Brian, I send thee a bag of sunshine or nutty slag, whatever :-)) Really, we have a heatwave coming, they predict Scotland may reach double figures :-)) nothing better then a sunburnt Northerner, trousers rolled up, hanky on his head, walking his whippet or is it ferret ??

Comment by Jim (across the pond) Adamek on May 22, 2016 at 20:45

lol, Just move to Florida Brian, You will never need a heater in your Melos.

Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on May 22, 2016 at 20:31

lol up north never gets warm steve. EVER. im moveing darn sarth......:-)

Comment by Steve Kerswell on May 22, 2016 at 20:27

Yet another fine B+ day, kept up with the others (just) and pleased that everything is still were it was when I left home. Had a chance to drive a bike engined kit (MK) oh, I like that, think its the light weight and the throttle response. Bit of a thunderstorm while out, guess who left the roof behind! luckily it didnt last. 6 cars turned out, we had lunch at a restaurant called "Duttons" I think it was a set up, but I didn't pick up the tab (sweating). Next week is a huge traction engine rally so we intend to drop in. And on the Monday another rally near Dawlish gets our patronage. Lets hope we get this heat wave they promise, even up North gets warm :-)

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 5, 2016 at 16:47

Making the most of being left alone :-) fussing over my bad leg, wont let me out to play, bit of bending and stretching does it good, dunnit :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 5, 2016 at 16:01

St. Pirans day today, world championship for pasty making at the Eden project. Just for Martin that little tit bit of information :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 5, 2016 at 14:34

All brackets designed and all the lengths of the 4 links are measured, still have to suss out this panhard link, everything seems to be in the way, rear shocks and the exhaust being the main culprits. May have to look at a wiggly bar rather then a straight one. Also spotted that the pick ups on the axle have strained and twisted some, due to the links not running parallel or square. More work then I thought, still, nought else to do at the moment, except decorate another room, fit a Pinto, rebuild the V8's, cut the grass and tidy the garden :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on February 26, 2016 at 15:17

I really wish I had never looked. Appalling bit of bodgemanship. It ain't engineering. I will not feel safe until its rectified, The chassis brackets are like 16gauge sheet ! No wonder they are starting to tear. I'm amazed at how long they have lasted, could be close to 40 years !!

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