
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Well that time is here again, MOT in the morning fingers crossed, should be OK I've checked and double checked and can't find anything wrong with her. even washed and polished.

Watch this space.

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Comment by Dave Taylor on June 4, 2010 at 20:38
Already started, I've been taxiing 3 times this afternoon, "can you take me to Uni?", "can you take me to the station?" Now I have to get the Sierra up and running quickly, before our James runs me ragged.
Comment by Dave Taylor on June 4, 2010 at 15:05
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 30, 2010 at 19:22
Retaining devices fitted, now I know why I forgot them, because they're a bugger to fit with the poly bushes. Just had to grind down the nut a bit so I could get the split pins ( sorry Retaining devices) through.
Thought the radiator had a leak too, but that was the top hose, the thermostat for the Kenlowe fan is fitted in the top hose passing through a rubber gasket which is clamped down with the jubilee clip, always needs a bit of tweeking when it's been off.
Roll on Friday...
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 29, 2010 at 22:36
Brake hose fitted and brake bled, all these bits are fitted when the body was off so on you're back in the wet, not so easy. I'll do the retaining devices tomorrow, then wait for a flaming week to the re-test.
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 29, 2010 at 11:51
Failed! Rear brake hose been rubbing on the diff breather, and missing split pins in the anti roll bar ends (my fault forgot to put them back after changing the bushes. The MOT print out calls them Retaining devices, it's a sodding split pin.
Now I have to wait until next Friday before they can re-test it.
Oh well, hose bought on the way home, and I'll do it this afternoon.

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