
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

here are some pics of my sierra.......



it is likely that i will swap the 14" wellers it currently has for the 14" wellers on my Phaeton S1....why? well because my S1 has 17mm off set wheels and the sierra has 0 off set wheels and the wheels on the sierra are a little too wide for the bodywork and the 17mm off sett will do it some good and the "0" off set wheels will be better suited to the Phaeton.

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Comment by Dave Adams on January 31, 2013 at 17:14

well there you go my sierra is clearly off road capable..... ;-)

I have been tinkering with it today and decided to check the fuel mixture (because its got lousy fuel consumption) the CO on the sierra came in at 6.5%....a tad rich i think. it would definitely be a big clue to the poor fuel economy, so its been adjusted down to just under 2% and a test drive shows a considerable improvement......From low 20's to mid to upper 30's, a result however you look at it. 

Comment by James Doulton on January 28, 2013 at 19:32

That looks in pretty good shape, but your verge will look dreadful if you remove the Sierra!

I have seen other pictures of this car, including some on this site posted by John Woodward. The tyres look muddier than in his pictures!

Comment by Dave Adams on January 28, 2013 at 17:11
The red and white Phaeton is the lancia project...the green S1 is in the garage.

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