
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Paul Sheridan's Comments

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At 12:48 on October 9, 2012, Dave Thomas said…

Hey Paul, dont give up hope, my " still at home son " has just suprised us by anouncing hes got a flat, YEEHAA!  and all that, totaly out of the blue that was, so keep yer fingers crossed:-)

At 8:52 on March 12, 2012, John Allen said…

Hi Paul,

thank for the welcome. I will up load pics ASAP. needs some TLC as pics are of car months ago and has sat for 5 years.

At 21:05 on November 14, 2011, Dave Taylor said…

Paul the good news is The Northern Duttoneers are bringing the Road Show to Malvern Hills in September 2012, and if things go well we will be doing a tour of Morgan Cars. No excuses come and play.

Don't forget you are always welcome to come with us to the Lakes in Spring.

At 20:50 on November 14, 2011, Adrian Southgate said…

Paul, I sympathise... the M25 M14 etc are a bit flat and slow for a dutton. There are some nice lanes up Stevenage way but they probably all have humps and speed cameras by now.

At 11:18 on December 23, 2010, Tom Ger_Phaeton S2 said…

Hello Paul,

I can gif you the adress from Jörg....  if you want to speek with him.



At 23:46 on December 20, 2010, Tom Ger_Phaeton S2 said…
Here in Germany it is just as uncomfortable as you in England.

brrrrrrrrrr ...... it is cold;-)

What do you mean by "dash" the body?

It would be an advantage if you send me the images.

Wich Jörg do you mean?

The best, if you speak with me over scype! My name there is "m-orlog"

Best wishes

At 12:01 on December 20, 2010, Dave Adams said…
I spoke to tom last night, he says it is ok if you want to contact him. Skype is free to use, my Skype address is dave-adams you can message him using Skype as well.
At 17:12 on December 19, 2010, Dave Adams said…

i speak to tom fairly regularly via skype his skype name is m-orlog, i am sure he wont mind you having it. He is in the process of making a copy of the bodywork and making a new Phaeton chassis to fit it to. he has an old melos in very poor condition which will donate it's details to the new car.

At 16:33 on February 26, 2010, Dave Taylor said…
Hi Paul Welcome to the site.

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