
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Tuesday night on the way home the charge light came on on the Legerra.

Wiring checks out ok with a 12+ on both wires when disconnected and ignition on.

Decided to get a replacement alternator today but the one I have been given has 5 spade terminals.

2 large marked + and -. I have connected the + as usual but don't know if the - needs to go to earth.

The three small terminals are also a mystery, googles no help and neither is my collection of haynes manuals as they all show the old 3 wire block connection. 

There are two terminals in line, unmarked and one offset which is marked B+.

Has anyone got a clue how this type of alternator is wired, I only have two wires, one small from the ign light and one large from the starter solenoid/battery.

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So, got you all stumped ?

I'm going slowly mad as the car is still in bits and I need it at 8am :-(


Just got to this Ade. the new alternators are “ smart“ and some of the terminals are for the ecu to control the charging. there is a current thread on the locost forum on this very subject.

Went back and changed it this morning, turns out it's rocking horse poo from a 1969 MGB.... rare as all whatnot. He was actually quite happy to swap it out for a three wire.

Cars sorted out and I reckon £35 for a recon alternator isn't bad.


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