Hi I've recently emailed all members regards options for increasing membership and its implications. I'd be greatful for any thoughts, comments or suggestions
An email confermation with their membership number would work and the necessary pass word for the members only pages., then any welcome packs could go out with the next edition of DT,as long as they are on the mailing list , that way you give yourself time to make up the welcome packs.
so how is this going to work? for us already on here, its easy, but what about new members once the £150 has been paid, do they get asked for a donation, or does the fee come down the following year/s assuming the numbers are up on this year?
TBH when I first read your post I thought it a bit negative:-o though I agree, this site shouldn't be rolled into the DOC site.
IMHO it is upto the DOC to win back its customers. If this becomes part of the DOC site then sooner or later another site well get started by those who become disafffected by the 'official' site and we end up back at square one. If the DOC site offers people what they want/expect then people will naturally migrate to it as they did to this site, if not they'll stay here.
The moggy minor boys have several sites - some more popular and friendly than others but they all seem to work without the need for everything tied to one site.
I'm happy with paying as a member of this site - separately from the DOC and DOC subscriptions
HAppy to pay. Terry
Tim - thanks the email,
More than happy to contribute, as Stephen K says..."I'll have a Ten year in".
Ah well; that'll make 'Blossom' still under forty even if the Xflows' Forty -Two! (did I hear a cough ?)
anything less than a tenner and count me in,,
quite happy with paying a small fee just got to find away of paying it and finding away of making it a payed members only site or a lot of it ma=embers only pages
can i just ask what we get if we upgrade other than more members i dont have a prob with a payment to me the more the merryer.
Individual pages for each member like the one we have now but customiseable and with more content.
Chat box like instant messenger but helps to keep idle chat off the forum.
There's other stuff too but I can't remember it all.
Why do you want to keep idle chat off the forum? isn't that the best bit? The banter/facebook style is what is so popular here and TBH the only reason I'm here
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