
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

so Caterham have now started selling this retro car. If its a success, it will make our Duttons worth keeping a tad longer. Interested in how they got that steering wheel approved, but I like period things and may get some hub caps for the B+ :-))     http://uk.caterhamcars.com/caterham-sprints-back-swinging-%E2%80%9860s

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I see the steering wheel spokes are well radiused (is that even a word?)  Would I be right in assuming that it is a set radius for a set thickness of material?

I didnt think you could have toggle switches with out guards either side of them either.

Maybe they got MK to get them through it, they were naughty boys at getting things approved :-) I also think those rocker switches spoil the dash, bit modern for the period. But I do like the concept, long may it continue.

Caterham did have limited type approval but now EVERY single car they produce as a proper built up car goes to the test centre for a full iva and Caterham take the hit on the test fee
One guy works on it full time,taking cars to the station,sorting any niggles and re testing them
Couple of things I saw when I was down there I didn't think it would pass on but they got through,think the examiner might of got a bit complacent with 3/4 coming through a week


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