
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Does any one have a clutch disc from a 2.0L pinto engine ( type 9,  5 speed) that they can measure the diameter of ?  Or do you knowledgable blokes know this from memory? 


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ive been told when doing a 2ltr zetec rwd coversion to use 1800 flywheel and clutch assembly with a trhust bearing with a longer/thicker carrier ,,, been looking into it but havnt done it yet,,

1800 flywheel is nearly 1kg lighter than the others, and you can use the clutch cover, that much I know for fact. But it is getting the correct clutch disc with 1" centre and 23 splines.  

zetec 1.8 clutch disc is 1" x 23 Paul. the dead bug in the jam is the release brg. The pedal leverage is also wrong so the pedal feel is different and some find it uncomfortable as its heavier. I don't have the flywheel part number to hand and won't be able to find out until the 9th July.

got a 23 spline here just nipped out and measured it,, but its only 195 mm came out of a 5 speed conversion,

thinkin transit may be what you need , or even sierra diesel ???

Now I think this might be the one that has the longer release bearing. It wont be transit as they were 9.5" clutch from 3 litre.

The first five speed 1.6L capri's I think and I must stress I think, so needs confirmation, used the 7.5" clutch as they had always done for a 1.6L car.and this is where I think the extra length brg comes from.

When the ford sierra came out is when I think they went to 8.5" clutch on the 1.6L.

Sierra diesel was a peugeot engine and totally different. 

The 195 mm clutch is a standard 1600 clutch and will slip easily on a 2.0L engine. even if new! Been there got very pissed off.
P.s. some ford 2.0L pintos were fitted as standard with the “1600“ clutch (the earlier ones) as mine was....... grrr grrr

Mount on verticle mill, I had the luxury of a cnc. clock up on the centre bore as a reference point. I had drawn up the new positions as a DWG file (to load into the mill computor) its the same radius (123mm rings a bell) for both the bolt holes and the drive pins which you can buy from Burton Power. Then just pocket machine to the bore size for the drive pins and the tapping size for the bolt holes. Now it sounds simple but it took me most of the day to do two.

Ok, so just to make sure I have this correct .... using a stock Sierra, Clutch, Disc and Bearing .... and re drilling the 1800 Zetec flywheel to accept it all......... I should be on to a winner !

I have done this - twice so can vouch it works. Others have gone down the alternate release bearing route and it has worked for them. If you give me a few days I should be able to find out some more details on the release brg.

FYI the 2.0L zetec flywheel can't be used as it don't fit in the bellhousing.

Were early Mondeo's rear wheel drive? if so what gear box did they use?

all mondeo,s are fwd,,


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