
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

one of the car with hard top.....

and one with the soft top.....

the phaeton is still in my drive and it really really has to go.......ebay this week some time i think.

as for the Legerra, well it has given me some fun and games, first it boils up like a kettle....er well it did it now has a much larger radiator and some ducting on the radiator. it seems to make a difference.

the car goes quite well but it did have a hot staring issue which turns out to be a duff ballast resistor even though the car has electronic ignition. easy to fix and the car now starts hot reliably.

the suspension is very stiff and it will be softened up a bit, but the car handles quite well.

it has a MG miget dash in the car and i feel it really suits the car....more pictures later

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Up on axle stands...new bell housing arrived so it's getting modded to fit the mondeo starter motor before I muck about fitting it with the engine and making new engine mounts etc ....removed the old pinto exhaust.....now have to strip out the front suspension and sort out the lousy geometry. Other than the ARB mod (already done...)

well.......i am just about to get round to making a start on this old girl again.....i think that the engine mounts and gearbox mounts will be my first job..... and the whole front end needs ripping off to make the wishbones adjustable for camber. the O/S seems ok as it is, but the N/S is way out at about -3 degrees!

also all the work i did a few years ago has an awful lot of surface rust on it and it all needs wire brushing and painting.

for the top wish bone mount where Dutton had a welded plate with a slightly tapered hole in it, i think i will use a rose joint....seen it done on track cars and i think it is the easy way to give me adjustable camber.....especially on the legerra.

looked at the dates..... June to end of October to start to find some motivation......and i am still not sure i have fully found it..... :-)

like both the cars the legerra looks good in the red 

Well I was hoping to have this done for stoneleigh this year..... however taking 2 weeks off over Christmas and spending the whole time full of flu, has put paid to those plans still intend to have it done for this year though


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