
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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Steady on there Mr Kerswell, none of your sodding great marine club hammers needed here !!!!    :-)))

Gentle tappers will fracture the nut with out damadging anything along the column, below the steering wheel.

I'd try whacking a fractionally smaller socket over it first, if its metric there is bound to be an imperial a close size you could smack on to it

i know what you mean Steve,  manys the time i have had to resort to either the hot spanner, or the angle grinder,some of the things i deal with you need the large tw*tting hammer or length of bar, or in many cases both  just to do them up, nuts the size of a mans fist on a course thread, that has to be swung on to get castle nuts to align with split pin holes.   

A Tw*tting Hammer   ?????    terminology up and down the country is brilliant, gona have to get me one of them, what ever it is, it sounds good.

It's engineering speak, and i bet i,ve got the biggest range of them, but then, i do play with some very large toys , large, heavy dirty( very dirty) toys, you should see the size of some of the spanners i have to use,  some i need assistance with to put on the nuts in this case torque is  length of bar plus my weight hanging off said bar, final tightening is, how hard can i hit  it. 

Part of my problem lies in the steering wheel boss my car has.....its deep and narrow. so access is not great.

this weekends progress....

i also had a go at a new radiator grille...

here is the top coat.....

getting the badge i am using for now central is a pain..central to the hump? or sharks nose? or bonnet?

and here are the replacement mirrors....£21 the pair, not too bad i feel.

as you can see i like a tidy garage....;-)

Great work Dave, nice to see her nearly ready for the road again

shame it has original headlights again though but i am working on another bonnet and nose cone for it.

That's great Dave, the old girl has certainly seen some changes over the last couple of years. Although I liked your other bonnet with the head lights cut out ...... I think the looks of the original are miles better, the front of the Phaeton, to me, is the Dog's Danglers.   

that car has been on its wheels for weeks now and at full weight for a fortnight or more and i thought i would look at the geometry again and it soon became obvious that the camber was a bit out.....a bit it had been set to about 2 degrees negative last night it came in at 7 degrees the suspension has been settling down a bit.....

so i set about re-shimming the suspension and got it to about -2 degrees again (i will fine tune it to -1 degree later)......easy i thought.....well the thing is, when you adjust the camber by that much it also has effects elsewhere (obvious when you think about it) and one of those effects was the rack position was thrown out....it has had to be shimmed upwards by about 1/4" to get it level again (good job i allowed for such a possibility) and the tracking needed adjusting by a huge amount. My home made tracking tool has helped me get it neutral again.

any way this is as finished as the car is going to get paint wise for Stoneleigh, its not as good as i would like but time has not been on my side.

The chrome badge is one i bought a few years ago it is from a company called All-ride a Dutch company i found it floating about in my garage and thought to put it to use.


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