
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

went to a scrap yard for the first time in donkys years the other day. omg i was in heaven. seen loads of nice seats. and some in leather for the sierra. cant wait to get started on the insides :-))))

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Talking of scrap yards, when I was a youth, it was all cash payments. The ones that now want cash scare me. I was in a back street cash only scrap yard last year - the young staff clearly had no protective equipment (no gloves, no protective boots), no training on manual handling. If one of these young lads had an accident I do wonder what would happen. I felt morally compromised, cash lining the bosses pocket, but not protecting the employees. The young lads had years ahead of them, but it was easy to see that dodging rules could well compromise the safety and future health of these lads. Years ago I would have been all for a cash only rough scrap yard, now I find greater comfort using modern scrap yards that are clean and safe where I can see the staff are safe.

My local scrappy is 'old school' and lets me go digging in the wreckage. BIG dog loves suspension bushes to chew. Thing is he chews the metal ones...

Thats where the seats in my Sierra came from, £30, fronts and rears, which I still have lurking in the lockup, maybe i'll put them in the S2...

its a rough life being a scrappy lad. they are a tough as old boots though. :-)


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