
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

just found this in my ginnel behind my melos. i think someone has droped in their with a chopper :-)

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I think that there should be a potentiometer on the throttle spindle which will tell the control unit that you have floored it. If that isn't working right then the system would rely on the MAF which would give a slower response and in the mean time it would run lean, leading to spluttering.

wow any pics please im a bit lost their james 

I don't think it will be the fuel pump because if the pump was giving trouble then I'd expect that to show up at high revs and high, sustained load because that is when the demand would be highest. I think the fact that the engine recovers and the engine pulls strongly means that the pump is fine.

looks like you nailed it james. but why does it run without it ???

cheers graham do you think easy start would have been ok ???

Any of the 'clean evaporating' type solvents will get them clean. Brake / carb / electrical are all basically the same chemicals just in slightly different ratios. I used to use brake cleaner for doing laptops that had been really badly treated, coke and orange juice spillages and all sorts. All of them evaporate and leave no residue.

The MAF on a Pinto is a moving flap type, so it is not as sensitive to dirt as the more modern hot wire ones (which can pick up dust and dirt if you use the wrong cleaner).

Great result. Well done

thanks chaps for all you input. ill be having a good look today 

hi well cleaned the maff and k&n. no different. noticed it does not do it when cold. so i pulled this little pipe off in the pic and it runs much better. im hopeing someone with good knowlage can help me here cause im baffled. any help greatly appreciated 

I'd bet on some form of prehistoric EGR valve setup, where does the other end go?


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