
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

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Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 27, 2015 at 18:16

I don't think anyone has made a 'scale' model of a Dutton before.. and the wheelbase IS off but you lot wouldn't notice if I didn't tell you.

Apart from the door line it must be one of the simpler designs to copy as it has a lot of 'flat' surfaces, making a Melos will be interesting as I don't think one surface is flat :(

So who wants what next then? the Phaeton will be a bit generic, either S1/2 or S3/4, i'm not making four different ones, Sierra will be a one model fits all, probably of my S2 as its 'to hand' and the same with the Melos. All of them will end up with minilites as its the closest I can get to a weller 8 spoke.in the 'right' diameter.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 27, 2015 at 12:26

So that's the white Legerra Ade. Getting on well with that :-)

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 27, 2015 at 7:53

If your going for accuracy, don't forget the out of square wheelbase and you could make the centre out of jelly where it folds.......... meow, meow. :-)) oh, does it have a hardtop?? :-)

Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 27, 2015 at 1:17

I cheated a bit and added to the windscreen profile, trimming back a little on the headlights is easy enough and i'll be happy that it's recognizable as a leggie. Only two types of Phaeton, three Sierra's and a Noddy to do now. Not going to be ready for Stoneleigh this year though they will be done soon after. I have a little work to do on the back end and drivers door / sill area yet. Don't yet know if the latex will take as a mould over the wheels and fine detail, may have to use some silicon rubber moulding compound for the final.

Comment by James Doulton on March 26, 2015 at 23:38

Scratch your eyes out!

If you look at the overlaid version then it shows that you have done a very good likeness. I think that you can correct the windscreen, bonnet and lights just by removing material with a file and the only place where you need to add material is at the back of the roof and the top of the boot.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 26, 2015 at 23:26

The last 'measurement' I took was by you, the rest has been done by eye, the windscreen can be rectified with good old pollyfilla as can the tops of the wings. 15's wouldn't be too bad on that scale of model. I have a set of cobra / wolfrace slot mags too, they were out of stock of RS four spokes.. I even have ally tube for exhausts.

Apart from making this in clear resin as a trophy, I intend to make a 'retail' version and do them in colour, I'm sure I can find a nail varnish that matches yours :)

Comment by James Doulton on March 26, 2015 at 23:23

I'm not sure if you can see the difference clearly enough in this overlaid image...

Comment by James Doulton on March 26, 2015 at 23:11

Using the distance between the axles as a reference then the wheels look to be between 15" and 16", so not bad at all. I think that the biggest difference is the slope of the windscreen, which is too upright on your model. Getting a good windscreen can be a problem on Legerras!

Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 26, 2015 at 22:43

So, I got this HUGE wooden plinth, parked the white legerra on top of it and ...

James, can you check my locations and ratio's please? They are supposed to be 13" minilites but look a little large to me.

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