
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Welded diff awaiting new diff carrier and planet gear

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Albums: Jan 2011

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Comment by Dave Price on January 11, 2011 at 21:23
That is a tempting idea, but the reason I am trying to rebuild the diff is to get some of my spares out of way and get the diff fitted to the axle out of way.  That way I will have some more space to work and space for another engine that I have been due to collect for more months than I can remember, if it don't go soon, I suspect the chap may scrap or sell it on.  If I arrived home with an axle, it would have to live outside and I am sure my wife would have something to say about that (possibly suggest I live outside in garage!!).  Thanks for the idea, but I would not be able to get over at the weekend, as I am currently planning on working on the Phaeton every night this week and so I think the weekend will be wife and daughter time.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on January 11, 2011 at 19:20

The LSD casing has been stripped before being adapted to 5 link but all the others are original, some mk 1 some mk 2.

I will be spending some time over the lockups this weekend sorting out the phaeton bits if you want to pop down and have a look, you may well be going home with an axle...

Comment by Dave Price on January 11, 2011 at 12:59
Adrian that is very intertesting.  Do the axles have the hand brake system on on them, mine has been stripped of hand brake system from the axle casing.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on January 11, 2011 at 1:19

I might have some spares if you run into trouble.

Got a few spare axles lying around, going to sell one to someone for a MK2 escort (standard english) need one to rebuild for my car (standard english) one for the other legerra (LSD) and some sort of system needed for the phaeton which will probably be ripped from a suzuki SJ410 as I want 4wd.

All the others are spares, 2 or 3 english and 2 salisbury. Just in case you get stuck like...

Comment by Dave Price on January 10, 2011 at 21:33
My car was purchased with no diff.  When priced out a diff, I could not believe the cost.  So I bought a weld up one £15, then a diff carrier / planet gears for £5 from someone who had fitted an LSD and £50 for a rebuild kit.  So hopefully for £70 I should have a rebuilt diff, which is generally the starting price a for diff.

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