im looking at possible options for a 5 speed box to fit in my leggera over the winter i could go for the type 9 box but they are getting pricey these days and i would have to change/do some chassis mods to get it in there .so i was thinkin mx5 or rx8 i believe these are both rwd boxes but im not sure of size in comparison to the type 9 also the prop could be an issue if they are different splines .any one with experience on this ??? your advice would be appreciated
Added by James paton on July 19, 2018 at 0:20 — 42 Comments
hi folks just wondering what fixing some of you guys are using on the legerra soft top front fixing the ones that are on mine are a bit fiddely to get located and locked down i wid be soaked by the time i had managed to get the roof on i had removed the fiddely ones and replaced them with m6 bolts and thumb screws makes it a bit quicker and easier but interested what other folks are using thanks in advance
Added by James paton on March 5, 2018 at 20:09 — 54 Comments
hi guys im fitting a ford v v carb to my legerra bought off ebay was wondering if any one had a vacume pipe diagram or even a decent pic of how you had done it any help on this would be briliant . desprate to hear it running again :)
Added by James paton on December 13, 2017 at 22:15 — 7 Comments
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