
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Still just poodling around testing the head etc. Today I fixed my overdrive, found the wires were just snapping and turning to dust, so thats that wiped off the slop chit. Plus on the hottest day of the year I fitted my new side screens and stretched my hood while it was nice and supple, pretty pleased with it, I haven't got the wires or even the holders welded to the roll bar so thinking of a spar, like they tension sails with, simply slotted across and tensioned to hold the shape. I also bought a cheap breathable water proof cover off the e bay for a tenner, didn't expect much, and thats exactly what I got, but, it works, so I have to use it. Plus I had to fix the Sierra ( that will be on my headstone)

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Comment by Paul Sheridan on February 26, 2016 at 15:06

Weld the brackets on at the relevant angles :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on February 26, 2016 at 14:05

Hey Paul, just read your complete MrG thread, forgot all about the throttle bodies and porting etc. As for the bracket's, I'm very close to what you have got, but as you can see in your picture the spherical rod ends take up the out of alignment, you can imagine mine with rubber bushes !! Think I could be building offset links :-))

Comment by Paul Sheridan on February 26, 2016 at 13:03

Look at my brackets on Mr G's Steve.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on February 26, 2016 at 12:40
Comment by Steve Kerswell on February 26, 2016 at 12:38

After a conversation with Dave Adams about 5 links etc decided to bite the bullet and do it, then I put it off until January, now March! So I gave it a severe looking at this morning, and the result is, it's shocking!!. Thin bits welded to the chassis are starting to tear and holes are going oval. The bushes are all twisted and do not line up as they should. Bolts look seized in the bushes too. So this is going to take some time. Also, for some reason the bushes are not Triumph, these are slightly bigger in dimension, so that throws a stick in the spokes. I have the Triumph poly kit here, bother :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on December 28, 2015 at 10:22

Wow, end of the year. Just took the B+ for its final run, declared it sorn and now to tuck it away for a month or two. Need to get on with the bodywork, but haven't got any interest in it at present. Saying that, it went really well today, blasted up to the tungsten mine, scrappy is shut so blasted back down, great when it's quiet and everyone else is still dawdling about at home. :-))   See you about Easter, it's early this year.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 9, 2015 at 12:45

Just been "fiddling" nothing much to do, waiting for parts etc. while tidying up the spares, fiddled some more and it looks like you can get Ford type 16 calipers on to Triumph type 12 hubs with very little work. Handy to know if any one else has tried this? looks a simple mod to the hub.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on September 30, 2015 at 11:35

When Dave Adams and I went for a spin in the B+, issues came to light concerning the carbs out of balance, definitely something seemed strange. Just spent morning fiddling and lo and behold I found that a silicone lead between coil and distributor felt wrong all wrinkled and brittle feeling. Replaced with one off the Sierra and car is so much better. Pays to have a good look around sometimes, not always what you think. Another EBay buy in the bin.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 4, 2015 at 14:16

Yep, a hundred yards or so from home, thought I had ran out of fuel because the gauge is a bit iffy. Living on a hill meant a bit of hard exercise getting it up to the house, good job I'm young and fit :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 4, 2015 at 10:49

Dug through the spares box and found a coil, fitted it and the car fired up before I had the button pushed :-)) and now the sun has come out, happy days.

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