
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

If I can get away with it I am off to work on the car for a bit today. I need to lift the back suspension on the shocks due to the new back tyres touching on corners. Now fitted with 15" wolfrace alloys and 195/60/15s on the rear 195/50/15s on the front. I don't paticularly like the look of these wheels but its so hard to find 15" ford fitting rims with a sensible offset. Makes a bit of difference to the grip though having quality tyres on her. The old 13's are going to be cleaned and polished and kept for show days as they look much better in my opinion.
The 15's also highlight the odd size wheel arch problem that plagues all legerras. The left arch is higher in the body that the right, about an inch difference. Looks really odd when the arches are nearly full of rubber, not so bad when it had the little 13's on.

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Comment by Adrian Southgate on December 27, 2008 at 18:10
nah, thats gone for good, been up and dowm the same stretch of road a dozen times now and there isn't even any remains. I have covered the roll cage in foam to pad the roof up and its working so looks like I an going to have to make a new one somehow.
To top it all I am supposed to be down in kent with my daughter and the rest of the family and I have what Sue describes as man flu...

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