
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Its Friday the 13th. Spring is here. So what plans do yo have for your Dutton(s)? I cannot believe how fast time is passing, evenings are drawing out and morning is light about 6ish, I think I need every available hour to get on top of every thing Dutton related. The B+ is up and running and hopefully will fly through the MOT next week, tomorrow its on the rolling road at the local engine builders, he owes me, so hopefully he will play OK. I may have to leave the paintwork and just drive it around getting progressively more patchworked as time goes on. Want it on the road by April so that I can get some miles on it before the Stoneleigh trip. The Sierra is running fine, I have plans, but nothing that cannot wait. I'm still thinking of cutting my losses and binning it, yet tomorrow I may feel like finishing it, who knows and who cares? So, come on whats what and who is going where?  Plus I got a Pinto and box to rebuild, just remembered that !

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Comment by Jim (across the pond) Adamek on March 22, 2015 at 18:26

Well it's been in the low 80's here in Florida. lol I get to drive my Phaeton all year long.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 22, 2015 at 12:56

Great down here, except, I've been caught for gardening duty, gotta get some brownie points, dry sunny and cool, May get on the beach later, really big tide tonight, worth a look.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 22, 2015 at 8:26

After some thought, moved to pending shelf, pending what I'm not sure.

Comment by Dave Adams on March 22, 2015 at 7:39

seen those brackets usually the get binned after the first clutch replacement......

Comment by Dave Taylor on March 21, 2015 at 23:57
Was a standard part Steve usually two tags on the sump
Comment by Dave Taylor on March 21, 2015 at 23:57
Was a standard part Steve usually two tags on the sump
Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 21, 2015 at 22:26

He is doing very well, thanks. Trying to get back to work? Next week but only every other day.

Comment by James Doulton on March 21, 2015 at 21:37

So what was the handling problem with the Sierra? What caused it?

Yesterday, I wish I'd thought of using my welding helmet as the sky was clear here in Bristol (a bit of a shock). I used a piece of card with a pinhole and saw it quite clearly. I couldn't get a photo.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 21, 2015 at 21:29

I remember one being on my mk5 Cortina and I think there was one on the legerra however don't think its there anymore. I think there is an M10 hole near the back of the block, o/s close to the sump line and the brace connects to that and the o/s lower bell housing with an M10 nut and bolt. It won't fit on anything with an ally sump as the wing will get in the way.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on March 21, 2015 at 21:17

Think I'll file it then, under B for bin. Got to much s**t on my plate to worry about a po*y bracket.  Up to my ar*e in alligators at the moment. Another day should see me through, but dont tell the wife :-))

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