
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Been playing in the shed for a while, following on from Ade's Sierra I'm going the Pinto route. Finally got all the parts and ready to start. Just tried it loosely all together and it appears to fit, phew, its a big old lump, I can hardly lift it back onto blocks. Anyway measurements all taken and need to make up a gearbox crossmember and move a few bits around. Dave Adams has pre warned me about the starter motor. So I'll leave that until all is settled in the car. Ah, the car, I am tempted to remove the whole front body work and make it into a flip front. Still out on that decision. Need new doors or a lot of fabricating, Its gonna be a long winter. Oh, and it may get a different set up in the back axle, minimum 5 link or the old jag back axle wot sit.

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Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 21:14

so, black it is :-)) After a long and arduous day I can finally relax. All this faffing about with weights etc. is now redundant. I have, with Daryls help cracked the fitting of the gearbox to back axle, with a little input from a large Royal Marine :-)  I did get all 4 in the rear of the Sierra, all up they weighed in at 460kg. Flattened the back spring and almost terminally flattened the Sierra. Don't start teasing these guys, they actually lifted the Sierra off the ground and asked how I wanted it ! Good news is they will be around for the engine transplant if I hurry up and get my finger out. My son is off to some sunny exotic place tomorrow but two of his mates are staying in Plymouth indefinitely. So, onwards, small problem with the release bearing on the new clutch, seems the MT75 box has a unique, read expensive, release bearing. Burtons have them at £22, ouch!!

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 15:55

Oops, been challenged by the marines to paint the Sierra the World cup winner's colours, for charity of course.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 10:43

Very good idea, May save me two shed loads of problems. The mob has just arrived, bacon butties are on the way, will soon flatten these springs if I can cram 4 in the back, have to get a photo :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 9:43

Discovery prop looks promising, got the right bits, got one for peanuts. Could be cutting and welding sooner then I imagined. While the sun is out :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 9:41

Centre of axle to centre of forward spring eye is 525mm. Centre of axle to centre of support bearing is 950mm. Centre of bearing to rear of gearbox is 550mm. Just put 4x25kg bags in the back wheelbase increased by 4mm.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 31, 2015 at 9:04

My Sierra has a split prop, I remember a while back changing the centre support rubber. But cannot remember how I did it. I will have a look today, at the worse its down to fit a Sierra diff, but I didn't plan to do that this winter. I wanted to get the engine and box running to see if it was worth spending a fair bit of time on the Sierra. Or, cut my losses and move on. Vindicator on Ebay looks promising :-)  Going 5 link ? I would do it proper with none of the compromise I see on other Dutton's.

Comment by James Doulton on October 31, 2015 at 8:26

A 5 link system would be pretty much the same - the axle might not twist as it goes up and down but that is only a small effect. It is the difference in the angles and the lengths of the propshaft and the trailing link (or spring) that determines the movement.

Do Dutton Sierras have split props? What supports the centre bearing? If that bearing was in line with the centre of the front leaf fixing then there would be no movement, but it'd look weird.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 30, 2015 at 19:50

Just been looking at defender rear props, could be on to something Daryl. Good price too.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on October 30, 2015 at 19:22

If it has a centre bearing then the distance to the box is fixed as the flex will be at the bearing. I have a one piece prop and it has very little movement at the gearbox end.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 30, 2015 at 19:21

Will get you the emails Daryl for the props

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