
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Moved the Phaeton today, never easy when she not run in 5 weeks, Jump leads, and the RAV4 to the rescue. Instantly started with help from them. So decided to move her closer to the wall on the drive a matter of 12" I needed to blast round the block, (Note to self "Must do this more often"). Still got the the knock on acceleration, decided to lay a few 11's in the cul de sac to findthe noise, it turns out when the axle tramps the handbrake cable knocks on the fuel tank.

While under the back end, noticed strong smell of petrol, here we go again this time the other end of the filler pipe had give up the ghost, so everytime I accelerated the petrol came gushing out. Pinched the filler hose from the Sierra, and everything is fixed.

Duttoneering, I was only moving the Phaeton so I could get the Sierra onto a flat part of the drive next to Daisy. 5 minute job turned into an hour. But a least I had a blast up the road and made a nuisense myself to my neighbours.

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