
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

just found this in my ginnel behind my melos. i think someone has droped in their with a chopper :-)

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im not going now...:-(

steve did you sierra have any guttering under the bonnet......mine has nothing. i may need to make some...

No. And I haven't any inner wings just a sheet of perspex by the dizzie

mmm i dont like how water pi***s down the screen in to engine bay.....im thinking conduit screwed to the bulk and down the wings......what you think...its allways raining up north lol

My old girl has foam rubber adhesive strips on the top of the side panels and where rear of the hood meets the bottom near the windshield. It really seem to prevent any water entering under the hood.

I bought some plastic guttering for my doors, self adhesive, think it came from CBS online that is good stuff, or, plastic trunking for cables, with the lid off.

just been looking at that steve ;-)  well master cylinder overhauled and ready to refit. big thanks to steve kerswell. for his hot water and vaseline trick for top seals. worked a treat.. :-)

messing about for hour today....polished one of the wheels off the sierra...mmmmmm think they would look good on the melos.. what you chaps think....?

I do think that they would look much better on your Melos. lol, I wish that I had chrome wheels for my old girl.

Toooooooo shiny :-)))))

tooooo shiny for a sierra :-))))

Just thinking Brian. Your Melos wheels may help your Sierra look better so a swap out may help improve both vehicles. 


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