
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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It was in a long conversation with one of the DVLA staff. They are very keen to harmonise the rules.....they said that all sorts of things are being discussed. ...one thing was that they thought a continental system of rules was regarded as best as it allows no changes at all unless it's really registered via an IVA..... they didn't say it's soon or likely ....just that they would find it easier.
It was suggested that an engine change should need an engingers report and maybe an IVA in the future. .. all a bit scary.

The are keen to harmonise what rules? The UK currently complies with all the EU directives for type approval, roadworthiness (the EU stole our MOT) and post registration mods. There are no continental rules that prevent modification beyond what is in the EU directives. Some nation states have tougher rules that they have applied themselves like Germany requires modification parts to be TUV approved.

I remember when the Q plates came in and the DVLA were whining about outlawing post reg. mods then. They are not responsible for that they are only responsible for paperwork and they aint good at that, with the left hand mostly not knowing what the left hand is doing!

An engine change would not require an IVA unless the vehicle structure has changed such that the vehicle could no longer be considered to be the original vehicle and that is already in place. The 8 point rule would still apply for engine changes. Engineers reports are currently required by the insurance companies and I could see the DVLA wanting a copy too.

I'm sure the DVLA would like it if there were no post reg mods as it makes their life easier but there is nothing I can find in discussion either with the VCA or ECE. The government may look at the rules for the UK post brexit but given the support the kit car industry and the custom car scene have had in the part I wont hold my breath.

As for returning long abandonned cars back to the road there is already the V765 process so I'm at a loss to understand why this will be difficult in the future. The DV:A must have people to make inspections somewhere along the lines for all the Cat C and D cars that get put back on the roads?

Only going on what the staff at DVLA said.....Belgium was a cited example. As was Germany. ...despite brevity they want the same rules Europe wide.
One of the staff was adamant that it has been discussed at least amongst themselves that engine swaps from non standard should be more tightly regu lated. Whether it's government policy proposed or just canteen talk I don't know. They really didn't like the lax way it's all done right now.

why does it matter if the diff is leaning back dave just curious ?

I forget now.....i was looking into rear end geometry a lot back when i started the first rebuild.... i think from memory as the drive is taken up the diff naturally wants to lift at the nose so it will move further away from true....it needs to be slightly down i think.......one thing i do clearly remember is that prop shafts need to be slightly off from straight as it can cause them to wear quickly otherwise. 

cheers :-)

or that as the suspension moves up  it will increase the  angles on the rear flange in relation to the gear box tail shaft.......which cant be great for it.....

ok no need to get complicated on me :-)))))))))))))))

As I understand it, if you have a UJ that connects two shafts that are at an angle to each other then when you turn the input smoothly, the output isn't smooth - it speeds up and slows down through the cycle. The amount of this variation depends on the angle between the two shafts. Therefore you want the axis of the diff input shaft to be parallel to the gearbox output shaft. This way the two UJ's are at the same angle (in opposite directions) then the diff input is exactly in sync with the gearbox output throughout the 360 degrees of rotation, even though the propshaft doesn't rotate exactly uniformly. The error is very small if the angles are small. See Wikipedia

If the two shafts are significantly angled then you need a constant velocity joint, not a universal joint.

If the system is completely in line then the X doesn't move with respect to the yokes and so the load is all taken by the same point in the bearing, which probably is what causes problems with that arrangement.

11 degrees.

Ere!......one of my recent posts seems to have err ...."dissapeared". .....someone spat their dummy out?

witch one dave ??


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