
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hey. I asked my self what different badges / symbols are common on a Dutton (except club badges).

Most common is the DUTTON logo.

But I also saw this badge with a tree or wings?

And then I remember seeing a Dutton with a silver badge which from my memory looked like an animal? I remember it like the symbol in the grill of this Phaeton:

Any advice what the different badges are about?

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I think the thing with the tree or wings is the badge for Tim Dutton's amphibious car business - it looks like seaweed to me!

Sounds reasonable.

One is the German dutton owners club badge......

This is the new UK club logo..

That I knew. But what is this version with the very .... let's call it "artistic" -:) .... drawing of the horse? Is that the old one?

That is the old club badge....

The one with the wings.......in your original post is the German dutton owners club badge.

The silver animal-like badge I think I mistook with the symbol of the Brazilian kitcar brand "Puma do Brasil"


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