
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Sorry to say a bugger got through Mr, James Pollard is deleted, came through security checks and IP check. but he has has been e-mailing members from an address in Saudi, so he been deleted.

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Sorry, all this twat James Pollard came through again with a Birmingham postcode and I didn't pick up on it.

I have Fucked him off with no holds barred. 

Its them glasses Dave take the Rose Tint film off them -:))


We get scammed every day some prick trying to get in. As of today, the group is full and no new members will be added.


had another email again today from him never have responded to them


Same here Adrian. I got an email from the infamous ‘James Pollard’ earlier today. I got the same email from him last year too. I’ve never responded to him either.

He's done it again, he comes on under a different name then change his profile, I have binned him again.


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