Tom has said that he will be coming over to the UK end of June 2011 (28/6/11) to the first week in July (4/7/11) I believe he will stay with me for some of the time, I don't as yet know how many of the club are coming with him but it might be nice to put some things in place to welcome him and organise some things and places for him to see, also if some of us could also get together with our Duttons and put on a bit of a show it would be great, so how about some plans and numbers for a get together even for just one day at some tourist point for a Dutton gathering on a Saturday somewhere.
Tom has said that he would like to bring his S1 if it's finished, but now Alexa has bought a Malaga B+ they may come in that.
It is still my intention to go to Germany as well for their annual get together again next year.
2011 is the German owners club 20th anniversary meeting apparently, so if we can make them feel welcome, all the better.