
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Always wear goggles when grinding!

Had to grind the edge on a bracket saturday afternoon, 30 second job so didn't bother with goggles and got a spark in the eye. Stung a bit but didn't think anything of it, was a bit sore the rest of the day and eye lids stuck together sunday morning. Still sore yesterday and stuck together again this morning so went to the doctors who said he could see some bits in my eye and sent me to a&e. Local anaesthetic on the eye and then eyeball scraped with a needle. Got some drops and gotta go back tomorrow to have 3 more metal fragments removed that are currently stuck. Eye stinging like a bitch now!


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Bummer......i was lucky then. may well fabricate for you the panhard rod chassis bracket and post it to you if you like.

Pete, great advice. have done many stupid things and to be honest i have 99% got away with it. the 1% tho hurt. nothing macho about no eyes or lost fingers etc

How many of us have taken risks like that at some stage,  it shows you how easy it is to get hurt, i lost the top of my finger to stupid actions,  your eyes are very valuable  protect them.

Hope you have not done any lasting damage to your sight, 

I'm really sorry to hear that. It is really sickening when that happens because 9 times out of 10 you knew it could happen. I hope that it gets better soon.

It feels much better today and I can see out of it fine, so pretty lucky I think! will see what the hospital say at my appointment later

All fragments removed, been given cream to apply to the eye 4 times a day for a week and I have a patch to wear for 3 hours much to my colleagues amusement!


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