
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

After a quick run round to Steve Kerry last night everything running well, she even started without the De-fib. That problem of bad starting must have been the starter loose and bad earth.

So tonight I thought lift the bonnet and do a bit of a clean and polish, which included cleaning the dirty marks off the plug leads, pull the first one from the dissy cap and end was loose. The silicon had slit at the crimp, so open the end terminal and repair, next exactly the same, and the next, and the next, and the coil lead both ends. What would have been a quick half hour with a cloth turned into an hour and half. I checked the condition for the silicon insulation on all the leads, no hardening or further cracks. all back on and she runs without the lumpy tickover. job done until the next bit drops off. 

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Unlike the tittle above, i had never heard of Dutton before.

Never saw one, even so I have visited the Uk for many times, and spend many houres on race-tracks.

Untill last week.. I saw a kit-car  for sale, nothing I ever saw before.

After a night of surching on the internet, I reconised the nose of a Dutton.

Went back, bought her.. even I still don't know if it is able to drive.

Now that I have for my own, I can continue the surch for Dutton details.



if u want detailes just ask someone will know   and welcome

A S2 Phaeton...quite a nice one by the looks of it.

Nice looking car, and check out the Granada Coupe in the garage.

I have added more photo's in 'my album'.

The chassis nummer is on tp of the chassis near the alternator.

The original nummer is partly wiped out, and a new with the same figures is added a little bit to the front of the chassis.

The old is wasted by  RDW, that is the authority of Holland who keeps all the vehicule papers.

So I presume this car has been on Dutch Roads once..

Yesterday I visited A Abarth museum from Guy moerenhout  in Lier, Belgium.

www.abarth-gmr.be The owner has been a rally-driver for quiet some time and has kept all his old rally-cars with him.

Therefor he has  a good collection of Fiat and Lada. While talking I mentioned having bought A Dutton.

He said he knew this type of car, for he had seen one for sale in Belgium last year.

And as he has a several FSO rally-car's, he had been interested to buy one for his collection.

FSO  had made a few Duttons and wanted to overtake the enterprise long time ago.

So for now I looking for the (ex) owner of a red Dutton Pheaton in the noughbourhood of Herentals (B).

After having had contact with the RDW, I know now that this chassisnumber is still in use in  holland and that the car is insurred.

Probably the chassis number and car-papers  are used for a new kit-car, like a Cobra or such.

This means for me, that my car will never be back on the road again.

So now the hunt is on for a Dutton Phaeton in a very bad condition, so I can use mine as an donor-car .

If any of you knows one for sale, please let me know.

in the uk if it can be proved that your car is genuine then the "other" car will be forced off the road and yours will get back its papers. but finding a donor car is not impossible, unless you have special requirements......

You must be gutted, you have a nice car there. 


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