
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Looking at the DOC struggling is so disappointing, and I only wish I had the time to help in some way. But maybe just getting the interest back in the members could help.
Up here in the North (sorry everyone in Scotland for you the South) we got together locally to Bolton, and started meeting 1st Thursday of the month to run out to the NW Robin Hood meeting in Leyland. Where we were made very welcome. But in the last few months we have organised ourselves into The North Duttoneers, not a breakaway from the DOC, but a compliment to the DOC. We have showed at the Hoghton Tower Classic & Kit Car show, and a good day out was had. We have also organise The 1st Annual Tour of the Lakes (The 2nd is booked).
So here's my suggestion, just looking at the locations of you all on the DOC map and the Duttonowners site there is enough members and car across the country to organise yourselves into meeting runs out local to you all.
So come on guys and girls why not "The Southern Duttoneers", or "The Scottish Duttoneers", you name it.
The when we all turn up at the shows we all have something to rave about. It's worked for us and we have made some very good friends.
Come on you know you want to. for the good of the

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Somehow I seem to have missed last word in my previous post and the word is "DOC"


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