
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

stopping competition.....in which i came second.

I have just pranged my car !.....! Ironically involveing an ambulance who was over taking on a blind bend with solid white lines i slammed on the brakes and swerved onto the grass bank and just caught the guy in front on my O/S to his N/S. bonnet is not in great condition now , o/s chassis is bent. All is repairable but bum bum bum.

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Comment by Pete Clayton on August 25, 2012 at 21:39

Dave I think I have a spare triumph lower wishbone that big vern gave me in a pile of bits, if you need it let me know and i'll try and dig it out

Comment by Dave Adams on August 25, 2012 at 21:00

how do you mean Vern........?

Comment by Big Vern on August 25, 2012 at 20:57

oohhh no, now your giving me ideas,

Comment by Dave Adams on August 25, 2012 at 20:44

Hi john.....now you have given me a problem, i like the twin headlight look i have developed and if any of your bonnets would allow a remake of that look that is very tempting.......especially as my wife also likes the front end look of my car. my spoiler may be salvageable.....might be.

as for the front end chassis repairs, i might now have to fit my ford Cortina uprights as i think my triumph O/S lower wishbone looks a bit poorly now.

However i do deliver to the Blackrod, Wigan, and Preston areas sometimes and i can request to be sent to Leyland Trucks sometime soon and if it is possible to meet up i could bring back the bonnet on my truck.....

Comment by john w on August 25, 2012 at 19:53

ive got a couple of s1 s2 fronts, if there any good, theve been a little chopped, but not too much, there foc if you need one

i also produce the lotus nosecone,which i have the molds for, but then youd need an alloy bonnet making, then brackets making for the cycle wings. if you want a bonnet, there 15 miles north of preston,and you can take one with pleasure

Comment by Big Vern on August 25, 2012 at 19:38

John W is the guy to speak to, not sure whether he buys front nose or makes his own, Did look good and in proportion whereas some grafted on lotus noses look all wrong as the body sidesof the phaeton are higher than most seven's

Comment by Dave Adams on August 25, 2012 at 18:36

Big Vern i am not a fan of the cycle wing look with the Dutton nose cone, how ever i did like the blue car that the guy who exported cars to France did with the lotus nose cone and cycle wing front end and the Dutton rear was in my opinion a very good look. And there is the fact that the parts are easily available......failing that i will do what i did with my bonnet and either rebuild mine or buy another second hand and cut the headlight pods off......

Comment by Dave Adams on August 25, 2012 at 18:14

Well thanks to Mike Snelson  and the use of his trailer and my mate with a Jeep 4X4 my car is now on my driveway....a cursory look at chassis rail shows the O/S chassis rail pushed back by over an inch, but hopefully the damage does not extend beyond the bulkhead (i am sure it doesn't)  more pictures to follow but i  need to sort my sierra as it also broke down this week and needed to be recovered by the AA........things just are not getting better. the starter motor is knackered and after i rebuilt it it run for about 10 miles and stopped again with no sparks........so i have binned the ballasted coil and ballast resistor and gone for a non-ballasted set up. also the engine and chassis earth's are all being replaced, i need to rely on this car for a while.

Comment by Big Vern on August 21, 2012 at 11:25

Phew, at least it sounds reasonably safe and not racking up serious storage charges. I was afeared for the safety of your Dutton Dave. Whats it to be now, Bplus bonnet and cycle wings?

Comment by Dave Adams on August 21, 2012 at 9:39
My new home made grille is also a bit poorly.......
as is the bonnet badge i made :-( :-(

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