
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hi all as some of you may well know, Sandra and myself went to the German Dutton owners annual get together on the 8/5/10. Having made the trip to stoneleigh and back with out a murmur, we expected no problems. to be honest i have spent loads on the car in sorting various problems on the car, and thought there was nothing left to replace. 39km out of europort in Holland we hit a big pothole at speed on the motorway and snapped the top off the O/S rear shocker. Tom from Germany recovered us, using his trailer to the meeting in Kevelaer, a journey of about 200 miles. The man is a Hero. After being supplied with an excellent Bar-B-Que and loads of beer, plus a live band, we then set about fixing my car. I say we, the German Duttoners took over, and a guy by the name of Wolfgang took controll, searching through various parts that have been removed from cars in past years for a matching shocker, and fitted it for free. This is a common occurrence for the club by all accounts, last year they rebuilt one members gearbox, 4 times whilst drunk because it was not right the first time.
The German club were made up that someone from the English club had made the effort to attend their annual do, and they extend the invite to all who wish to attend. (as they have done for the last 19 years apparently)
They have the event in may every year apparently at one of the German Owners home address, a guy named Kalle, He claims to have imported some 900 kits (mostly Duttons) to Germany, and sorts them for use over there, and basically imports cars as a business.
Sandra and myself fully intend to visit again next year (as a long weekend) going probably Thursday night and coming back Sunday night, for the weekend they pick for the do next year, both times sailing out via Hull/Rotterdam, the cost of the ferry's booked well in advance will be in the region of £250 for two people and the car return, booked out of Harwich to Rotterdam, the cost should reduce to about £100 return. the journey Rotterdam to Kevelaer is 165km (102miles). Accommodation can be arranged, Kevelaer is a very pretty town.
We would like some others to come along with us next year, as would the German owners, would anyone like to come with us next year?

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Comment by Dave Adams on May 7, 2014 at 17:37
No interest at the time by others. .
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 7, 2014 at 17:34
Something Dave was looking at then
Comment by Dave Adams on May 7, 2014 at 17:26
:-) easy search....."headlights" takes a little finding....
Steve I think it may be a little late but it coud be possible for next year...
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 7, 2014 at 17:10

Just found this by searching "Trip to Germany"

Comment by Dave Adams on July 13, 2010 at 22:37
Sandra and i still plan to go again to Germany next year but for now we are setting off to France on Saturday this week, We are driving down to Dover then possibly to Arras. Some time Sunday or Monday we will go to Paris Disneyland, then we will possibly head over to Le Harvre and Bayeux, and back along the northern coast.
In preparation for this the car has had major surgery (swapped cyl head, cam followers and fitted vernier pulley) the burning oil has stopped (no. 3 cyl) the rear axle has been dropped and the shocker tops (rubber bushes) replaced the o/s shocker top chassis mounting has been re-welded (very worn and cracked) and the o/s trailing arm bushes replaced AGAIN! they were done for the trip to Germany in May. and the alternator has had all the mounting bolts replaced and the adjusting bracket welded back together. it was only one bolt and the belt tension holding it on! hope nothing goes wrong this time.
Comment by Dave Taylor on May 14, 2010 at 17:50
Snowy, soon as you get some dates post the event here I could be up for that as my Brother in Law lives in Germany.

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