
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hi Guy's

I have a problem with my sump, I went to drain the oil today to do an oil change and some muppet has welded all over the drain plug so it is impossible to remove it. Has anyone got a quick fix for this or has anyone got a pinto sump that they don't want lying around?

I would like one day to get a modified sump for more ground clearance but the cost is too much at the moment.



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Quick fix........ Suck it out of the dipstick with one of thoes (technical term sucky jobs) vacuum oil removal pumps. Not the correct way but it will get the job done for now.

You could get one of those suck it tubes that draw it up the dipstick, not perfect, but might give you time to get it sorted. I have welded new bosses into sumps and altered a few, its not hard as long as your comfortable welding oily steel.

Thanks Guy's

That may be a quick temporary fix for now but it will do, found a sump on ebay for £39 so may just go for that.



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