I have added a new gallery to my Flickr account, 17 photo's of the current legerra population as best I can count. I know there are a couple missing (Daryl and Nick C) so if you mail me a decent photo I can add it.
If you wish to have your photo updated let me know.
thats not the reg on the car in your photo.
Added Q136ANJ makes 18... Dave that picture isnt the best you have, your profile pic is better if you have the full resolution one?
i am looking....its a new laptop and i cannot find things at the moment...:-)
Ahh yes that makes more sense Ade.........;-)
Well Daryl this car turns out to be lipstick on a pig.......
it looks ok but its still a pig. i have never seen such a collection of bodges put together on a car before. as fast as i think i am getting on top of them, i remove something else and find more horrors.......will it never end?
Dave, you of all people should know by now, that blokes like us wont be happy with these things, until its been pulled completely to bits and rebuilt it correctly !!!
Which is why we should all have something to play with and something to work on ;-)))
whilst I agree with your sentiment Martin, there were plenty of well built cars that have been ruined by inexperienced and inept 'rebuilders'.
no probs Daryl...ade asked for any missing current Legerras.....so i added mine and the ebay car.
I think he meant which bit was getting you down Dave :)
Added Q944VHR for Nick
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