
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

when i get round to taking my car to bits this year (now the Quantum is on the road) I have been wondering what to do about the front end of the car, especially as the headlights are knackered and need replacing. To be honest i have seen very few cycle guard modifications that look good on Phaetons because of the shape and height of the bonnet and nose cone.

But i am thinking of cutting out the headlight pods completely and making the mud guard look as if they were never there. and buying some HID projector lamps and making some holders, either both sides of the nose cone or inside the grille area, hidden. OR making some eye shaped pods to sit on the mudguards for the smaller lamps, what do you lot think?

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here is a site i have been looking at for the kits, both for cars and motorbikes, they are quite cheap!


I have been looking into the legal position...i think the car only has to comply with construction and use for 1979 when it was registered. I'll let you know what i find.


Have you left your mobile out in the snow as well Stephen? I don't have any luck getting hold of you.

The law for head lights:

for cars first used before 1956 no minimum height requirement for dip or main beam;

for cars first used after 1956 the requirement is for dipped beam to be at least 500mm from the floor at the centre point of the light, there is no minimum height requirement for main beam.


There is no visibility requirement for headlights only a pattern requirement.

I bought my reversing camera and a couple of volt meters from them, from ebay shop mind but the camera works brill, sees in the dark and all sorts.

I will check out the lamps.

Daryl Heasman said:

I know its the in thing to modify our cars ,some beyond recognition but why change something thats period just because its out of date ,just seems odd to me Dave . The other thing i want to ask you guys is ,the Sierra im going for on ebay what are the doors from and hinges on the rear


Doors are mk1 escort with mouldings over the top.

Hinges are BnQ ....

Use mini boot hinges?

The height of the nose cone on my S1 is about 550mm so the HID lights should fit, all hidden behind the grille. Now I am tempted to go for it...............what do I do about indicators?

I like the idea of removing the pods, would make the front look look a lot wider, for me its the wheel arches on the Phaeton that make the car attractive, as Stephen said, beauty and all that. But then again, moulding a new look set of pods would be cool too, how about moulding in pods to take a set of tripple lights like the ones on the car, on the home page of this site; www.mtechautomotive.co.uk  moulded into the bonnet would be better than just bolting on!!


now you have something there, i was thinking of twin lights in an eye shaped pod moulded to the wing top, your right about the wings giving the Phaeton it's "look" but the 7" headlight pods could be changed for a more sleek look twin/triple arrangement.

@ Adrian.
Figure 8 lights.
Intended for bikes so would need to investigate the lenses properly.



you can get me on 07850773394 or via my email, you will have that......unless you lost your computer as well :-)  i have your number on my phone so i'll send you a text so you have it saved to your phone.

They would be very easy to fit in the nose cone or on top of the wing, should be easy to convert to HID lamps as well (lower wattage but brighter)

Mick Joyce said:

@ Adrian.
Figure 8 lights.
Intended for bikes so would need to investigate the lenses properly.


I think a freshen up wuldnt hurt, as long as its still clearly a Dutton and nto a wannabe Westfield etc.  I see no harm in making your own car something you love, even if it isnt "pure" or "acceptable modifications".  If you like it, go for it.


Here's a mock up of Tom Germany's car I did when thinking about what to do with mine.  Just for laughs, its done in Paint (sorry)  and is designed to reflect the duttonness, but go a bit more Reventon.  uses those universal projector lights in the phaeton indicator lumps (easy to make a mould of y'see as you already have some!), and some clear indicator lenses to match.


I'm not saying its pretty, but its certainly still a phaeton but less gawky



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