
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

when i get round to taking my car to bits this year (now the Quantum is on the road) I have been wondering what to do about the front end of the car, especially as the headlights are knackered and need replacing. To be honest i have seen very few cycle guard modifications that look good on Phaetons because of the shape and height of the bonnet and nose cone.

But i am thinking of cutting out the headlight pods completely and making the mud guard look as if they were never there. and buying some HID projector lamps and making some holders, either both sides of the nose cone or inside the grille area, hidden. OR making some eye shaped pods to sit on the mudguards for the smaller lamps, what do you lot think?

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Overall 200mm x 100mm
Thats more like it. Do they come with pods and mounts Dave?
They do, and little covers as well.....won't use them though.
Slight technical hitch.......turns out whilst described as "headlights" they are not able to have a dipped beam only twin main beams.....bum.

Hello Dave,  looking good mate, liking the clean lines of the front arches, wide and mean!!  For me, the Hammerite tin size lights work better, small and unobtrusive.

Do they take H3 bulbs at the mo'?

I had a bike once that had similar looking lights and it was possible to hack about the mounting plate of an H4 bulb to fit where the H3 bulb was, couple of tiny mounting screws through the H4 plate and hey presto, high and low beam.


I must admit that the light they cast was bloomin terrible though, candles would have had a similar illumination effect (nearly).



Although the set up on my Phaeton only has twin high beams each side with the whole fitting angled to give high / low beam, passed the MOT too.


Daryl, I have looked at the nc30 lights but with the mounting frames they are wider, they also represent a lot of work to mould backs to. Which is a shame.
Steve the first lights I looked at were the oblong ones, along with the stacked street fighter ones.....but I just thought they didn't do it for me.
The trouble with motorbike lights is they have side mounts and i really want central mounts underneath.
Lokos well with tiny lights though - whatever you get to work in the end it is a real mean look.

here are some of those goggle figure of 8 headlights that are ideal for use on cars...but they are £75 each plus postage from the states,



this is a british site which has some very cheap lights front and rear which will be worth checking out by us lot on here,




but i have had to change the order for the twin headlights i planned on because they were spotlights not headlights, so instead i have ordered the oval lights as used on the MEV Rocket at £89 the pair, not too bad a price but not as cheap as i hoped. They are bigger than i planned at 205mm wide and if they don't look good on the front of the car they will be going back.


Here is another progress update;

I feel it is going very well.

I have made another mock up with the oval headlights just to see what it should look like, i have placed them about as low as they will go legally, and they are about to scale.....

Looking good, I would of smoothed out the indicators at the same time as it looks a bit strange still having the pods for them. Keep up the good work!


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