
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Dave Taylor's Blog (58)

Who are Ya?

I was on the M62 East bound this morning, and in front of me was a Black Phaeton I think S3 with a long hard top. Don't think your on here but maybe somebody knows you. I blow the horn and waved, (probably he thought who's this nutter in the Rav 4) He pulled off onto the A627M towards Oldham/Rochdale at 09:05am

Added by Dave Taylor on March 1, 2010 at 19:30 — No Comments

Back out on the road again

Still needed to shock the old girl back to life, going to have to get the battery replaced.

But everything else worked well. I have a bit of a doubt on the gearbox it is making noises in all gears and on over run, at first I thought it maybe the diff, but the more you listen the more I am convinced it the box.

anyway what a good shake down drive around town. Got back and gave her a once over, oil, lights, water even filled the washer bottle. Decided to clean the K & N and…


Added by Dave Taylor on February 6, 2010 at 17:54 — No Comments

It just stopped working

There you are 1st fine day for a run, thought good idea to pick up new Duttoneer Steve who as taken over Garys' project, and give him a blast up to Salmesbury via Rivington. So met up with Martin and off we go, up in to Rivington and the country road. There was black ice all over the place, which made for an interesting drive, even managed to slide down a hill on the stuff, only to come to a sign at the bottom of the hill that stated DANGER MUD ON THE ROAD (should have read FROZEN mud on the… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on December 14, 2009 at 0:35 — 5 Comments

Just given to old girl a run

I thought as the clouds parted, I'd give the old girl a run. Tipical neglected for 2 month, she made me work for my enjoyment (story of my life).

The battery was barely able to light the dash. Now where are the jump leads, after a search I found them in the shed hung on the wall, behind the bike's. After a few choice words most not repeatable, and balancing things like a circus clown the were free.

Now all that reminded was to move the Rav4 onto my neighbours drive (Lucky again as… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on November 22, 2009 at 14:23 — No Comments

From My office window (see the photos)

Just uploaded 3 photos of the Lakes, the first was last Monday, the next 2 are this afternoon OMG I couldn't work out was was Lake and what was road. No wonder it's so green up here!!!

Added by Dave Taylor on November 19, 2009 at 21:00 — No Comments

Lake's Tour

Can't wait, not for Christmas, not for Easter, not even for my Birthday, get them all out of the way and we're off to the Lake's for The Northern Duttoneer's 2nd annual Tour.
It's all booked, and the countdown as started.
Hope I can get the 1700 ready in time. Oh! and run in so we can take on these mountains.

Added by Dave Taylor on October 20, 2009 at 19:54 — No Comments

Is it just me, or am I seeing the motorist's atempt at saving the planet?

For weeks now on my travels around the North, I have noticed more and more cars and vans with only one brake light, and in some cases one brake light and the high level light out as well (10 today in a trip to Conwy and back to Bolton).

Is this an atempt at saving the planet?

Or is this some new Tin Top secret CULT, and this is how they identify each other?

It's not hard to see if you look in the rear veiw mirror when at the lights you can see the reflection of all three… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on September 30, 2009 at 18:50 — No Comments

Luck or No Luck

Can you believe it I mend the Dutton, the sun comes out, I take the roof off, the phone ring, now my Mother's broken her hip.
Roof back on, and off to the hospital, weekend over. Never mind it's a bank holiday next weekend, so there's proably rain already booked for that.
Going to change my name to Lucky!!!

Added by Dave Taylor on August 24, 2009 at 21:29 — 1 Comment

Rear springs

After the bottom leaf of my rear spring snapped and fell off on Sunday, (See Making a winged Sump Blog) yesterday I took the 2 halves to Mancunian Springs in Old Trafford, Manchester. The guy said as I walked in CAPRI, CORTINA, ESCORT? it's always the bottom leaf that snaps. They will be ready Friday.

9:30 this morning he rang saying they would be ready at 11:00 £30 for the pair, and they are heavier duty.

They will be fitted after I get back from holiday. Then we can see what the… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on July 22, 2009 at 17:57 — 3 Comments

Making a shortened winged sump for the X flow

Finally got the job going, I have put up with an oil leak since we did the Lakes in March, but Thursday night run out with Steve saw a flashing oil light and a constant drip (Oh and the grief at home because of the state of the block paving and oil stain), but mainly the flashing NO OIL PRESSURE Light was the prompt.

So to Ade's to pick up a 1300 sump, and so to work.

The idea is sample, cut 2" of the sump bowl off split it down the middle, move these to each side drill and cut slots… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on July 4, 2009 at 20:05 — 12 Comments

Sunshine+Dutton= Duttoneering

Good run out yesterday, even better today.

Moved my seat back 2" I now fit in again after replacing the Steering joint I gained an 1" in the shaft, (some would say that's a good thing, especially the spam E-mail I keep getting) but it just meant I couldn't get a good driving position.

Also finally cut the gearstick down to size (Here we go again). I have cut the damper rubber out and re-threaded it, can't believe I have driven it for 6 years with my hand hitting the dash in 1st and… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on June 14, 2009 at 22:30 — No Comments

Oh Yes another happy year to look foward to...

Well after putting it off for the last couple of weeks because of family commitments, I have had Daisy Dutton MOT'd this morning and the good news she passed.

I need to replace the rear spring hanger bushes and the steering column UJ.

Oh and the bad news I still have an oil leak from the sodding sump, so I think I will have to make a new winged one to give more ground clearance. Ade if you've still got the 1300 sump i have a cunning plan.

So legal again, and can't go out tomorrow… Continue

Added by Dave Taylor on May 9, 2009 at 13:03 — 12 Comments

I'm Back

The old girls back on the road, Taxed and ready to go. Non of the job done, but then theres always the summer.

Added by Dave Taylor on February 27, 2009 at 20:18 — 6 Comments

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas & Happy New year to all the Duttoneers.
Lets hope to see more projects finished in 2009.
All the best.

Added by Dave Taylor on December 21, 2008 at 16:14 — No Comments

Where is everybody

Very quiet on line at the moment

Added by Dave Taylor on November 15, 2008 at 19:32 — 1 Comment

The Boot lid as arrived

Collected the boot lid from Coventry today. I is in good condition and the right colour BRG.
So work can begin this weekend, the Dutton is in the back garden under cover.
New carpet found at Coverdale car Carpets Wigan,

Added by Dave Taylor on November 4, 2008 at 22:24 — No Comments

Official News

It's official Daisy Dutton is SORN'd

Added by Dave Taylor on October 31, 2008 at 17:54 — No Comments

Hard Hat

OK we have action again, I have a Boot lid on the way, so I can start to rebuild the Long hard top. I am still un-decided whether I am going to SORN the old girl, and start the repaint and interior replacement. But I still want to drive her, so I may do the roof first, and prep the car at the same time...

Added by Dave Taylor on October 22, 2008 at 20:42 — 1 Comment

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