
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Now I know it not an IT forum but  thought I would ask,  I can receive email but cant send. Spent 2 hours on phone with provider with no success. He took control of my laptop and tried all sorts, All the settings were deleted and reinstalled. He told me it must be to do with the windows mail settings but I do not know.

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Comment by Pete Clayton on October 3, 2015 at 22:46

If it's a POP3 account make sure that outgoing mail server requires authentication is ticked other wise it will get rejected by the server

Comment by Adrian Southgate on October 3, 2015 at 20:02

Paul, I did tech support online for my company for two years, hated windows 8 and 8.1.

I assume you are using the 'built in' windows mail program?

As with your service provider, it would probably have to be done by remote access. We used a program calledteamviewer. If you want to take a look at the program, if your happy with the way it works I already have it installed on my PC and would be happy to try and help out. There are options that need to be enabled as you run the program. Don't install it, use the run once option and choose private use. There is a built in voice comms section so if you have a headset or mic and speakers that would help.

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