Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul Thomas Aug 15, 2015. 10 Replies 0 Likes
I was wandering what its like driving a leggera compaired to my S3 phaeton, do they handle well as the chassis is different,Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Pete Clayton Sep 27, 2014. 5 Replies 0 Likes
I go a new lap top recently with windows 8.1, I have tried to change my profile picture and it wont up load the photos. I get a box come up that says unable to upload an error accured. There is…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by 284wrv9k2wgzk Jun 20, 2013. 4 Replies 0 Likes
No body talking about newark and no pics to look at did nobody goContinue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Adrian Southgate Apr 29, 2013. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Has anybody else spotted the rico estate in dutton spares ebayContinue
Paul Thomas has not received any gifts yet
Posted on February 5, 2018 at 20:06 5 Comments 1 Like
I have started to dimantal my car, If any body wants parts that are postable feel free to make contact
New hood trial fitted only £175 posted
side screens as new £120 posted
Posted on April 9, 2017 at 19:37 2 Comments 0 Likes
I brought this car last September and stored it over winter, It is a a genuine 48,000 mile car and it come in this condition. I have just put a timming belt water pump and head gasket on it as I am going to use it this summer. These cars get a bit of stick from people but its a cracking little car to drive. I am still pondering over the s3.…
Posted on August 17, 2016 at 20:59 4 Comments 0 Likes
I will be dismantaling my Pheaton S3 shortly and wounderd if any of you would be intrested in the body and chassis screen and other dutton parts, Chassis is 5 linked andd they will be with the chassis I would like £150 correctly registerd. unfortuately the car is in the north of scotland…
Posted on January 14, 2016 at 20:35 1 Comment 0 Likes
Any one using windows 10 that maybe can help. I just up graded and it wont let me sync my mail account in windows mail. Have you solved the issue? if so could you tell me how to sort it , Thanks guys
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Thank you Paul, yes you have me.
Hi Paul, yeah you're not far up the road at all! It's going to be an Autotest car but also made road legal again. I'll get it running with the horrible 1800CVH and do a few events, then reassess my need for further horsepower. I've already put a Zetec into a Mk2 Fiesta so installing one of those shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Yours looks like a fairly handy wee thing!
Welcome aboard Paul
That looks like a bit of a beastie, nice.