
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I go a new lap top recently with windows 8.1, I have tried to change my profile picture and it wont up load the photos. I get a box come up that says unable to upload an error accured. There is nothing to surgest what the error is. new operating systems always a pain in the backside, Any help would be appreciated,   Thanks

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I ended up using my old Vista machine to update my profile.

There is a lot to be said for browsing and doing anything on the internet on a linux O/S instead of windows.

From my experience 8 and 8.1 are seriously flawed systems for anyone who wants to do anything other than surf facebook.

The club laptop still runs XP as it won't upgrade to 7 (too old, no graphics drivers) however my unit runs Linux Mint 17. 

Only my Games PC runs 7 and I won't touch 8 since they forgot to ask me in on the beta ( i've been involved since win2k came out.)

The site probably doesn't support Internet Explorer 11 properly, try it in compatibility view


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