
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I have done nothing to the Legerra over the past two weeks, except drive it as my only working car. That is because my Omega alternator packed up a week or so ago and I decided that the car had too many things wrong with it to bother with fixing it. So that is waiting for me to get around to disposing of it.

My Melos is on my neighbour's drive. I hope to persuade him to buy it off me (at a huge loss to me). I had got it nearly ready for its MOT when I bought the Legerra. I knew that the Legerra wouldn't need a lot of work as it was on the road with an MOT. How wrong I was. It has taken all of my garage time since I bought it over a year ago and I still have quite a lot of work to do on it, so the Melos has just been sat there for a year.

My neighbour offered to 'store' it for me but I think that he rather fancies it for himself. So I have spent some time fiddling with it. Despite not having been touched for a little over a year, the brakes were fine, the battery was good and the fuel came through quickly. Unfortunately It wouldn't start as there was no spark. After quite a bit of fiddling I found the cut-off switch under the dash, but although I am getting power I still have no sparks. I need to get that sorted before he loses interest. The coil sits under one of the cut-outs in the bonnet so water might have damaged it.

In the meantime I have also bought a Rickman Ranger (boo, hiss from the Sierra owners). I have fancied one of them for quite some time - in fact every time that it rains and I get wet in the Legerra. One came up on ebay in Devon so after taking a look and a test drive, I bought it. It is to be my winter car. It came with an MOT but I am now discovering all of the things that need doing... a familiar pattern.

So I expect to have just two cars: The lovely Legerra for fun and the rugged Ranger for utility. My wife has a new Honda CR-V so I shan't get completely stranded and it is only three miles to work. If my neighbour takes on the Melos then I will still get to enjoy the mechanical side of it (and do all of the spreadsheets). And my wife is still talking to me.

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I would change my profile picture but I keep getting an error. It fails on the upload. I've tried different pictures. Maybe it just doesn't like the handbag colour.

I was intending to use this...

Whats the error message, is the image too big? (I like that picture too by the way, just the right amount of 'aubergine')

It can't just be fails on upload... cos you've uploaded it. It could be because it's 207 pixels by 203 pixels and I think the limit is 200, i'll go check mine... 

Right, successfully changed mine by uploading one thats over size from my PC and allowing the site to crop it to the right area. Weird you get an error message.

Have I started a trend for Legerra owners to show a bit of the front of the car and a headlight :)

Yes, I think you have, Richard. I had wanted to change my avatar to the Legerra as I'm realising my loss on the Melos (by selling it) but all of my Legerra pictures have a crap background. So I copied your idea. Shameless!

The file is 72Kbytes. This is the error message that I get:

Needless to say, I've tried other files and I get the same message with them too.

That had be confused for a moment. Nice one, Steve!


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