I think that I misled you on that one, Mark. There were no instructions, just a chart from a test which showed the damping effect at one speed and in both directions but I recall that it had two different plots, for min and max settings. I have hunted high and low in the garage, in the office, in the spare bedroom. I have found lots of interesting things, but not the chart. It is most irritating as I have had 2 sets of 2 and so there must be 4 charts somewhere - probably together!
I looked through an old post I made in July 2013:
The shocks each came with a graph of force vs displacement for 9.72 inch/s @ 2.5Hz (looking at the graph shapes then I think that the velocity is 'instantly' applied and constant throughout the stroke). There are two curves, presumably the max and min adjuster settings. On the minimum setting the maximum force is 77lb in compression and 94lb in extension. At the maximum setting those change to 190lb in compression and 599lb in extension.
From memory, the force is pretty much constant throughout the stroke. If we assume that the dampers are designed to work for cars that might be twice as heavy as the Phaeton, then we probably should be setting them towards the low end. I counted about 55 clicks from min to max and set mine to 15 from the minimum. Anyway, I'm glad that you are partly sorted, though you might want to get some longer springs sometime.
On a drive yesterday, I thought I had a dodgy earth as the left indicator was flashing too fast - unfortunately one indicator has escaped.
Does anyone have a spare they would sell to me?
Marking on the lens is PEREI. I think I have seen the same lights on other S3s so I'm hoping they were common.
Thanks Stephen. I'm hoping someone will have a matching one. If I have to buy new I will probably go for a complete integrated one piece - I've see ones aimed at trailers/trucks that should fit and has all the lights (including fog and reversing) so I could tidy up the rear.
mark youre indicator lamp is the same as the NAS spec landrover and are fairly cheap from the aftermarket land rover dealers ,paddocks, LRS, and the like
thought i had a spare but its not on the shelf
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