
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Legerra body and chassis with tags, plates and V5C on Ebay, BIN price is £495 but its in bloody Scotland.

This was the one listed a while ago as only being used for a year then mothballed. Its now been stripped of the engine, diff and probably g/box too.

A very sad end unless someone wants to step up and save it.

Its got a hard top too James...

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Well done all involved. What's next.

its been quiet here.....did no one think i might be prepared to help save a Legerra ( i work away and dont always see all the posts via my Mobile.)

ended, sold. Cant remember the price but it was around the £200 area.

One saved, but unfortunately I failed to save the Sierra that was in the demolition site, my son is also gutted as he had his eye on the Gilburn and a VW beetle pickup with roof chop. They were moved out in secret on Sunday and the building is now a pile of rubble, complete with a Capri and 2 Granada banger racers still inside as the walls came down.

I have an idea, see your in box

See below.

In the end we tried to keep it as simple as possible and although the offer of assistance was appreciated it was resolved another way.

Just so there is no doubt as to whats happening to the White Legerra.

It has been saved (or will be at the weekend) Due to some spares swapping shenanigans behind the scenes it will be temporarily stored at my house (because i'm going to collect it) while we sort out whats there and whats missing, replace a few parts that may or may not be with the car. It has been completely disassembled when the engine, box and diff were removed so will need substantial reassembly work doing. It will NOT be broken for parts.

My place will be quite full of cars next week...

I think the general consensus was save it, which has been done, It will be returned to a rolling chassis project with a view to selling it on to a new owner pretty much at cost + transport and any odd parts we need to replace with the sole intention of making it back into a road going car again. My thanks to everyone willing to chip in to save it, duly noted for next time (and there will be others) but the end decision kept the financial side of things nice and simple.

If you think you might be interested in buying it at some point in the near future then drop me a PM


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