Legerra body and chassis with tags, plates and V5C on Ebay, BIN price is £495 but its in bloody Scotland.
This was the one listed a while ago as only being used for a year then mothballed. Its now been stripped of the engine, diff and probably g/box too.
A very sad end unless someone wants to step up and save it.
Its got a hard top too James...
Obviously i'd haggle but if 'we' are going for it then I expect to be able to hit the buy it now button rather than risk losing it.
If we do get enough takers then someone would have to be nominated to hold the finances, It would have to be done through paypal which would provide a record of the transactions too, no quibble there then.
The club has the finances however that would require a vote nuff said.
As to offering less, always ask but plan for the worst.
I think we'd need to check the condition before we are committed (?). The seller would need to take some more pictures and confirm some things, like condition of the screen.
Just let it run, it's a very narrow audience. Ford guy's have no interest and its on a q plate, so that hopefully knocks others out of the equation.
The price he's asking makes it a target for being a clone donor, not a good situation.
With a vested interest, I'm in. Are we having shares?
All talk!
Spanners couldn't give stuff away before xmas, and most has now been scrapped. No one on here was interested. I'm in a similar situation with useful stuff no one wants. Seems if its not a Legerra no one is interested :(
I wasn't aware you were moving stuff on BV, must have been posted while I was away or offline, anything I can help with? Drop me a PM if its a list, rather than cause a sub thread on here.
Mike wasn't giving anything away, he did mention he needed to sell the melos's desperately but there was nothing I personally could do to help otherwise I would have done so.
I can't have any more cars here, I might get away with a legerra while we find it a new home but not for more than a week or two at best. The only reason the leggy is getting attention is down to the low availability of spares.
in the end i acctaully gave the melos,s and parts stash away ,,
Game on, I've had a response from the seller who is in favour of it going as a 'complete' car and he has already been approached by someone offering to buy the paperwork only.
PM's now being sent to some of you.
Well done you guys, team work paid off. Next !!
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