
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

So, you go to sell your car on the bay, how does the charges work out, because the dearest thing I have ever sold is £200. And I thought the charges very expensive. Is it a percentage thing? Or an agreed fee beforehand.

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I thought it was 6 for 99.99. All his stuff is way over priced. Look at the revolite wheels he has.

Quite a nice looking black Melos up for sale but advertised as a Phaeton. It has got a lovely old fashioned hooter on the side.

Spoke to a possible buyer, hope to know later if it was him that purchased it.

Which one is rescued?

Both the Orange Legerra and the Black Melos appear to have been purchased by 'Duttonowners'.

The Legerra is confirmed but waiting further info on the Melos.

I'm sure that both have been purchased by people that have previously owned Duttons or still own duttons other than the ones they have just purchased.

No, not me. I have just bought a black Hyundai Coupe 2.7V6 to replace the Rickman Ranger as my winter car. I will soon have only one kit car because I've worked out that that is all I can manage.

Well they are now, Duttonowners that is, well done whoever :-)

My wife has made several pronouncements on the subject of my cars, like "you can't buy another one until you have sold one" and every time she does then I prove her wrong! (I can say that because she has gone to bed)

I dodged that bullet as I didn't 'buy' the white one, just handed over someone elses money, perfectly within the rules.

I have something for you Martin, pictures later !!  (when it stops tipping it down)

You'll be drooling on your keyboard :-))


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