
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Well gents, I would like to propose a Sunday Lunch outing at some point in the spring. Weather permitting around the beginning of April?

I'll find a venue, probably a pub of cafe some where around the Malham area, somewhere with good A/B roads in and out and minimal motorway access and a decent car park.

I would suggest the Car Park here as a meeting point as there appears to be plenty of room to park.

Lunch at the Buck Inn which is just to the north of the carpark entrance followed by a run around the Malham Rakes of about 8.5 miles (still testing route on google earth)

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Bit off topic, is anyone compiling an events list, Ade??

Maybe when you get the Landy fixed...Failing that I could organise something for you wee softies darn sarf...

I'm not aware of one yet Steve but i'd be happy to try and collate something.

A list of events is on my list of things to do for the next mag, Steve. Any suggestions are welcome. I'm aiming to get the mag out to DOC members in April.

Also articles, or ideas for articles, are needed.

i loved the idea danny boswick had about the teddybear relay ......any chance that could happen...?

Yup, someone needs to own it, organise it and make it happen. ... I can probably find a suitable bear..

Well then James in engineering terms "I better get my ar#e in gear" April ?

We have done Woodhead and Snake, Hardknot and Wrynose, Horseshoe and Snowdon. I don't think they'll be a problem providing they stick to the highway code and don't expect 'special' treatment.

Racing cyclists 3 abreast across the road think they are 'making progress' until we come up behind them and burst the bubble...Lead car runs a video camera normally so if there is an 'issue' its all recorded.

Only one I can recall was going down from Hartside heading east when a biker came the other way too fast and ended up in the gutter on the wrong side of the road, would have hit the front of the Legerra if he had'nt recovered it just in time.

Awesome stuff Jason, i'll add you to the list.

best road for me is woodhead...barnsley to manchester....(snake pass). beautiful countryside wide fast roads...no speed cameras yey

lol seriously. id poop myself lol

put some pics up glenn pls.


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